The US calls for Al-Aqsa prayers to be offered in Ramadan

The leader of the Palestinian independence group Hamas, has called on Palestinians to march towards the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem at the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan. Hamas made the call on Wednesday. This raises the risk of reaching a final decision in the ongoing talks on a cease-fire in Gaza. US President Joe Biden expressed hope that a cease-fire could be reached in Gaza as early as Ramadan.

Biden said there was an agreement in principle between Israel and Hamas for a ceasefire during Ramadan. At that time the hostages will also be released. At the same time, aid will flow into Gaza and Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails will be released. Al Jazeera news.

According to the report, the day after Biden’s speech, Hamas leader Haniya called on Palestinians to march towards Jerusalem. He said, “We call on our people in Jerusalem and the West Bank to march towards Al-Aqsa from the first day of Ramadan.”

Meanwhile, Israel said last Monday that it will allow prayers at Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. However, considering the security situation, some restrictions will be maintained. In this situation, if the Palestinians go to the Al Aqsa Mosque in groups and the fighting in Gaza is still intense, it will prepare the pot for the conflict.

In a televised speech, Hamas leader Haniya said that Hamas is flexible in negotiations with Israel. At the same time, he is also ready to continue fighting. Israel says any deal with Hamas requires the group to drop its outlandish demands.

Representatives from both Israel and Hamas are present in Qatar this week. They are looking into the details of the proposal. A senior official involved in the talks said the deal would see Israeli troops withdraw from populated areas in Gaza. But Hamas’ demands for a permanent cessation of hostilities and the withdrawal of Israeli troops were not met in the deal.