The form President of Maldives Apologizeed to India

The Indians have suffered a big loss due to the boycott of the Maldives! The island nation’s tourism industry is in dire straits. On Friday, the former president of the Maldives, Mohammad Nasheed, expressed his concern. He also apologized to Indians on behalf of the people of the Maldives.

Diplomatic tensions between India and the Maldives continue. In the meantime, the government of Maldives President Mohammad Muizzur has informed us that no Indian forces in uniform or civilian clothes will be in the Maldives after May 10.

“There will be no Indian forces in the country after May 10,” Muijju said while addressing a public meeting on Tuesday. Not in uniform, not in civilian clothes other than uniform. Indian forces will not be in this country in any way. said with confidence. and the former president of that country, Nasheed, expressed concern about that.

Nasheed said, “The boycott of India has affected the Maldives a lot. I am in India. But I am very worried about the Maldives. Maldivian people apologize. We are sorry that this happened. We want Indians to come to the Maldives for holidays. There will be no fault in our hospitality.

Acknowledging India’s responsible role in solving various problems, Nasheed also remarked that India always believes in solving problems through diplomatic talks instead of creating pressure. In his words, ‘When the President of the Maldives asked Indian troops to leave the country, India did not show strength, did not show muscle..”

Nasheed also criticized the recent defense agreement between the Maldives and China. In his eyes, this is not a defense treaty but a means of obtaining weapons. Nasheed said, “I think the Muijju government wanted to buy some equipment like rubber bullets and tear gas. Unfortunately, the government needs more tear gas and rubber bullets. I can’t rule with the barrel of a gun.