Protests in Pakistan, Section 144 issued

Pakistan has now turned into a boiling volcano due to allegations of massive election rigging. Protests erupted from city to city, province to province. Pro-PTI politicians have spread the fire of protests by alleging election rigging. Common people joined them.

According to the Pakistani media Dawn, the authorities have issued Section 144 in Islamabad due to peaceful protests across the country on Saturday. The country’s law and order forces have called not to leave the house without urgent need. Additional police have been deployed in the city to deal with the emergency.

Patrolling has been increased across Islamabad and checks have been intensified at checkpoints. Besides, the police have taken high alert across the city for security. Patrols have been lowered in most cities. This step has been taken by the PTI to announce peaceful protests across the country.

PTI politicians on the streets demanding justice for vote rigging. The party leaders and workers have announced to carry on the agitation until it is resolved. Earlier, Imran Khan’s party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf PTI called for nationwide protests calling the February 8 election the “biggest fraud” in Pakistan’s history.

Party leader Hammad Azhar has called upon the leaders, workers and supporters to hold peaceful rallies across the country. But that peace is no longer on the streets. PTI has already announced the names of the meeting places in different places. Desperate to stop them, the country’s situation is becoming turbulent.

PTI Chairman Gauhar Ali Khan said, We are inviting those political parties who believe that the mandate has been changed and the election rigged. PTI will hold a peaceful demonstration and protest program on Saturday afternoon. He invited the public to participate in this program.

Internet and mobile phone services were closed on election day in Pakistan. The results are given after three days. Apart from rigging on the polling day, there have been allegations of fraud such as changing the results. Since the election, Pakistan has been criticized at home and abroad. All allies, including the United States, the United Kingdom, are asking for an investigation.

The protest of rigging started from the day after the election. Various groups protested on Friday as well. The Grand Democratic Alliance (GDA) held a massive rally in Jamshoro, Sindh province. At this time, the party expressed doubts about the future of the new government of the country.

Grand Democratic Alliance (GDA) chief Pir Syed Sibgatullah Shah Rushdie, popularly known as Pir Pagara, said that the government coming to power in Pakistan will remain strong for 8-10 months. The PTI is also conducting a week-long road blockade in Waziristan of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

Meanwhile, PTI has taken the final decision to sit in the opposition seat amid the chaos of government formation. Imran-backed candidates have decided not to form an alliance with PMLN and PPP despite getting the most seats. The leader of the party, Muhammad Ali Saif, said that they will sit in the seats of the opposition parties in the Center and Punjab on the instructions of Imran. It should be noted that the country has an obligation to form a government by February 19.