Oxfam calls on the United States to stop supplying arms to Israel

The US military will airlift food aid and other supplies into the starving Palestinian enclave of Gaza amid a brutal Israeli blockade and indiscriminate attacks, said US President Joe Biden.

Biden announced the plan on Friday, a day after the deaths of hundreds of Palestinians who flocked to Gaza City for relief on Thursday. In opposition to this, non-governmental aid organization Oxfam said that the United States is trying to get conscience immunity through it. Instead, the United Kingdom-based international organization called on Washington to stop supplying weapons to Israel. News from Reuters and Al Arabiya.

Biden said that the United States will start dropping relief from the air in the next few days. But he did not give any details. But some countries, including France and Jordan, have already begun airdropping aid into Gaza, Reuters said. “We need to do more,” Biden told reporters. The US will do more. The flow of relief to Gaza is by no means adequate.

He said the United States is looking into whether a sea corridor is possible to deliver large amounts of aid to Gaza. U.S. officials said they could begin dropping aid into Gaza on Saturday or Sunday.
According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, at least 576,000 residents of the Gaza Strip are one step away from famine. The United Nations says it faces “overwhelming obstacles” in getting aid to Gaza despite the humanitarian crisis. At least 112 people were killed by Israeli fire as starving Palestinians tried to reach an aid convoy near Gaza City early Thursday, Gaza health authorities said.
Airlifts have been criticized by international relief agencies for being costly and insufficient. . Aid organization Oxfam said, ‘Oxfam does not support the US dropping aid to Gaza; it will primarily serve to exonerate senior US officials whose policies are contributing to ongoing atrocities and the risk of starvation in Gaza. Throwing a paltry, symbolic amount of aid into Gaza, where the Palestinians of Gaza have been pushed to the brink, without a secure delivery plan, will not help and will be deeply insulting to the Palestinians.’
Instead, the organization commented that the United States should work on “stopping the flow of arms supplies to Israel.”

“7 hostages killed by the Israeli army bomb”: Seven hostages held by Hamas, the group that controls the valley, were killed in the bombing of the Israeli army operating in the Gaza Strip. Among these dead, 4 are Israelis and 3 are foreign nationals. This information was confirmed by the spokesman of Al Qassem Brigades, Hamas’s military department, Abu Ubaida, in a post on social media Telegram on Friday. But in which area of the valley were these seven hostages killed? He did not say.