Actress Himu’s abetment to suicide case report on March 24

Wednesday (February 14) was scheduled to submit the investigation report in the case. Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate Mahbubul Islam fixed a new date for filing the police report on this day.
It is known that Ziauddin Rufi is Himu’s boyfriend. Since six months ago, he used to regularly travel to Himu’s house and sometimes spend the night. Himu blocked Rufi’s mobile number and Vigo Live ID on November 1. There is a problem between both of them. Rufi came home at around 3 pm on November 2 and rang the bell. When Mihi opened the door, he entered the house. Mihir goes to his room. Rufi went to Mihir’s room around 5 o’clock and shouted that Himu committed suicide. Then Mihir asks him, you were in the room. He said he was in the bathroom then. Meanwhile, Himu committed suicide by tying a rope to the hook of the ceiling fan in the room. Mihi immediately entered Himu’s room and found him hanging with a rope around his neck. Found two glass panes in the room broken. Immediately they both took Himu to Uttara Modern Medical College Hospital where the doctor declared him brought dead. Then Rufi took the two mobile phones used by Himu and left.
In this incident, Himur’s aunt Nahid Akter filed this case as a plaintiff at the capital’s Uttara Paschim Police Station on the night of November 2.

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