Iran executes Israeli spy

A terrorist of the Israeli spy agency Mossad has been executed for a drone attack on a workshop of Iran’s Ministry of Defense, Tehran said.

On January 28, 2023, a workshop in Isfahan of the Ministry of Defense of Iran was attacked with the help of several small drones. News from the Times of Israel.

But the attack was foiled with the help of the air defense system. One drone was hit, and the other two were intercepted. Then those two drones also exploded.

Huzzatul Islam Jafari, head of the Judiciary Department of Isfahan, said that after the drone attack, the Mossad terrorist fled Iran, hiding his identity. After 13 days, the terrorist was arrested in a neighboring country with the cooperation of Iran’s judiciary and security forces.

After the court trial, the Mossad terrorist was executed on Sunday (March 3).