Artificial Sun’ sets world record

South Korean nuclear scientists set a world record by creating a temperature of 100 million degrees Celsius on Earth. So far, no country has been able to create this record of temperature. The researchers announced that they set this record during the nuclear fusion experiment. They claim that this is an important step for future energy technology.

In the process of nuclear fusion, a relatively heavy nucleus is formed by combining several lighter nuclei in a nuclear reaction. In addition, enormous energy is created in this process. Those scientists are basically simulating the process of nuclear fusion in the sun. It is believed that the climate problem can be solved using this technology. This is because this energy is environment-friendly. Fusion can provide endless energy without the carbon pollution responsible for global warming. However, mastering this process on Earth is very challenging, nuclear experts said.

The most common way to obtain fusion energy is to use a donut-shaped reactor called a tokamak, according to Seo Woo Yoon, director of KSTAR, a research center at the Korean Institute of Fusion Energy (KFE). In this, hydrogen forms and is heated to a high temperature to form plasma. High temperatures and high-density plasmas are key to the future of nuclear fusion reactors.

KSTAR Research Center has set a world record for temperatures of 100 million degrees Celsius. Seo Yun said fusion could have long-term repercussions because, due to the unstable nature of high-temperature plasma, it is not very easy to maintain this high temperature. That’s why this recent record is so significant.

Researchers say that the high-temperature plasma is called an artificial sun by KSTAR. In tests conducted between December last year and February this year, the maximum temperature of 100 million degrees was found in this artificial sun for 48 seconds. Earlier in the test conducted in 2021, this record was the maximum of 30 seconds.