Aid ‘Food’ to Gaza: Israel

Under international pressure, Israel said it would allow a flood of humanitarian aid into famine-stricken, besieged Gaza through various entry points.

Israel has been continuously attacking Gaza for more than five months. Their indiscriminate attacks have reduced Gaza to rubble, killing more than 31,000 Palestinians and displacing nearly all of the territory’s 2.3 million residents.

As Israel is surrounded on three sides, no aid can enter Gaza. Although Gaza has a border with Egypt on one side, the Rafah crossing is also controlled by Israeli forces. In this situation, the residents of Gaza have warned that the international relief agencies are in the middle of famine.

But Israel says there is no limit on how much aid will go to Gaza. Instead, they complained that relief agencies were delaying the delivery of supplies.

But despite such claims, they are under increasing pressure from their close allies, the United States and the European Union, among others, to do more.

In this situation, on Wednesday, the top spokesman of the country’s military, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, told a group of foreign journalists, “We are trying to float that area; we will float it with humanitarian relief.”

This morning, the Israeli military said six aid trucks from the World Food Organization entered the northern part of the Gaza Strip through the 96th gate of the security fence.

The hunger crisis is the most acute in this part of Gaza, Reuters reported.

Hagari said more such relief ships will sail and more supplies will enter through other points, as well as airdrops of relief packages and sea-loads of relief.

Other world powers, including the United States and the European Union, have pressured Israel to open more entrances for aid supplies to the Gaza Strip. Several other countries, including the United States, have already started airdropping aid to Gaza.