Saudi Arabia banned iftar in mosques

Saudi Arabia authorities have banned eating iftar in mosques. Saudi Arabia made this announcement before the start of the holy month of Ramadan. The cleanliness of the mosque is spoiled by the food of iftar. This decision is taken keeping this in mind.

Last week, the Ministry of Islamic Affairs issued a notice. It is said that the Saudi Arabian government is giving instructions not to go to the mosque with iftar products. This decision has been taken considering the cleanliness of the mosque.

The notice also states that the naimam and muezzin will find a suitable place in the open space of the mosque for iftar. However, no temporary room or tent can be set up for Iftar.

In addition, the Ministry of Islamic Affairs of Saudi Arabia has also instructed that imams and muezzins should not collect any money for the purchase of iftar for fasting people.

Apart from banning iftar, instructions have also been given not to use any kind of camera or take pictures inside the mosque. Besides, the ministry also said that it cannot be broadcast directly in any kind of media including online by installing cameras inside the mosque.

Note that preparations have been made to see the moon of the holy month of Ramadan in the Middle East on the night of March 10. However, the United Arab Emirates-based International Astronomical Center said that there is no possibility of seeing the moon on that day. But this year, Ramadan may start from March 11 in the Middle East. Subject to sighting of the moon, the worshiper will perform the first Taraweeh prayer that night.