The Deputy Director of the Russian Federal Agency met with the DU Vice-Chancellor.

Mr. Deputy Director of the Federal Agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. Shevtsov Pavel Dhaka University Vice-Chancellor Professor Dr. ASM met Maqsood Kamal.

On Monday (February 19), the counselor of the Russian Embassy in Dhaka and the director of the Russia House, Mr. DU Vice Chancellor’s office, Pavel A. Dvoichenkov was with him during the meeting.

During the meeting, they discussed making the ongoing joint education and research activities between Dhaka University and various universities in Russia more dynamic.

The emphasis was placed on undertaking more joint education and research activities in the fields of science, technology, culture, and medicine.

Besides, they discussed the establishment of the Russian Studies Center at Dhaka University and the expansion and modernization of Russian language courses at the Institute of Modern Languages.

The Deputy Director of the Federal Agency expressed interest in providing scholarships to young teachers and students of Dhaka University for higher education in Russia.

The meeting also discussed organizing science and technology-related workshops, seminars, symposiums, conferences, and training programs on the joint initiative of Dhaka University and various universities in Russia. They agreed to sign a memorandum of understanding in this regard soon.

Vice-Chancellor Professor Dr. ASM Maqsood Kamal thanked the guest for coming to Dhaka University and showing keen interest in its educational and research activities. He said that Bangladesh and Russia have been having friendly relations for a long time. He recalled with deep respect the all-out support and cooperation of the Russian government and people in our great liberation war in 1971.