Senior Managing Director of World Bank calls on Hon’ble Bangladesh Prime Minister Seikh Hasina

Senior Managing Director of World Bank Mr. Axel van Trotsenburg called on Hon’ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on 16 February 2024 in Munich on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference 2024. Both Hon’ble Prime Minister and World Bank’s Senior Managing Director recalled the celebration of the 50 years of partnership between Bangladesh and the World Bank last year.

The Hon’ble Prime Minister acknowledged World Bank’s contribution to Bangladesh’s attaining the middle-income country status and urged the World Bank to expeditiously disburse budget support of USD 500 million committed for the current fiscal year. She also thanked World Bank’s financing support worth US$ 700 million for the forcibly displaced Rohingyas and the impacted host communities in Bangladesh. Highly appreciating Bangladesh’s socio-economic development, World Bank’s Senior Managing Director assured to continue supporting Bangladesh’s developmental aspiration of becoming an upper middle-income country and high-income country.