Sems Football Fest- 2024 Inauguration Ceremony

The opening ceremony of Sems Football Fest-2024 organized by BAF Shaheen English Medium College (Sems) was held on Friday 08th March 2024 at the BAF Sems playground. In this 03-day long competition, the competition started with the participation of 20 teams from 11 schools of Dhaka in 3 categories (junior boys, senior boys and senior girls).

Air Vice Marshal Md Sharif Uddin Sarkar, OSP, GUP, BPP, NDC, PSC inaugurated the grand SEMS Football Fest-2024 by hoisting balloons and festoons, Air Captain of Air Force Base Bashar and President of Shaheen English Medium College (SEMS) Board of Management. . BAF Sems and European Standard School junior boys team participated in the inaugural match. BAF Semes and European Standard School drew 0-0 in the opening match.

Among others, senior Air Force officers, teachers and students were present on the occasion. Note that the closing ceremony of the competition will be held on 10 March 2024.