European countries have not raised any questions about elections: PM

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said, with whom I discussed. I had a bilateral meeting. No one questioned the twelfth national election. Denmark takes our garment products. They will take the future. We have relations with Europe. will be So no one questioned the election. Because they also knew that I would win the election.

He said these things in response to various questions from journalists at a press conference after attending the Munich Security Conference 2024 held in Munich, Germany at Ganabhaban on Friday (February 23) morning.
Sheikh Hasina said, I do not want war. We want peace. What is happening in Palestine is against humanity. World leaders believe in a two-pronged policy. There is nothing wrong with me not being in power. I have nothing to lose. If there is, I will serve people. When there are sanctions, counter-sanctions, then there will be an impact. The whole world is suffering as a result of war. War damage is not confined to one place. The Rohingyas have arrived. I did not go to fight with them. I protest if there is any problem. This is my character. I know about my abilities. But I am not qualified to mediate. I asked the President of Ukraine, when will the war stop. Even if I meet the President of Russia, I will tell him when he will stop the war. I will speak my mind.

He said, there was a conspiracy about the election. There are post-election conspiracies. I have brought back democracy in the country by confronting all conspiracies. People are getting the results. When they saw that they could not stop the election, they conspired to destabilize the country by increasing the price of goods. Then there will be a movement and the government will fall. Everyone knows who did it and don’t want to name it. It rained yesterday. As the saying goes, ‘if the last blessed king of Magh is the holy land’. Earlier there was a lamentation for rice. Prior to this, there was a shortage of onions. I saw onions hiding and rotting. What should they do? Those who hide the product and increase the price should be punished.

The Prime Minister said, I emphasized on agricultural research when I came to the government for the first time. There was a food shortage. But now everything has increased production. Earlier, people could not eat in one meal. Now everyone has three meals. Now production has increased. Each vegetable is available for 12 months. Pabna farmers don’t give up onions. Onion leaves when the price rises. Now Saker is like a saw. If the price is reduced, the farmer does not get the price. Government is working to keep food products processed. We have less space. So the people of the country should be encouraged. Farmers are getting better prices by increasing the communication system. I am giving subsidy of 45 thousand crores in agriculture.

He said, there will be no problem with food during Ramadan. Everything will be arranged.
The head of government said that we have been discussing the Rohingya issue with world leaders. We continue to discuss. But it doesn’t work.

Sheikh Hasina said, earlier there was famine every year. Now that is not the case. I have thought and worked, because today there has been progress.
The Prime Minister said, I spoke to the IGP, I spoke to start the system of traffic lights. Hopefully there will be no traffic problems in the future. Jam will reduce.
He said, if there is democratic continuity, the country will improve. Today it is recognized as a developing country. The country has developed because of Awami League. Awami League has a

relationship with the people of the soil. The democratic process continues. I hope this trend continues in the future. I have tried to bring people from all professions to the parliament.