AH Benzir

AH Benzir

Amir of Qatar is coming to Bangladesh in April

Amir of Qatar Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani will visit Bangladesh at the end of April. Sources from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Bangladesh Embassy in Qatar have confirmed this information. According to the sources of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, an inter-ministerial meeting has already been held in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs…

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It is Sunnah to pray before iftar

The Holy Prophet used to recite a prayer before breaking the fast. So it is Sunnah for the Muslim Ummah to recite this supplication before breaking the fast. The prayer is Arabic: اَللَّهُمَّ لَكَ صُمْتُ وَ عَلَى رِزْقِكَ اَفْطَرْتُ Bengali pronunciation: ‘Allahumma laka sumtu wa ala rizqika aftartu’. Meaning: ‘O Allah! For you I have…

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Direct flights to Italy are starting

Biman Bangladesh Airlines is going to start Dhaka-Rome-Dhaka direct flight. The inaugural flight will leave Dhaka for Rome at 3:30 pm on Tuesday. Through this, the flight between the two countries is starting again after a long nine years. The first flight of Biman Bangladesh Airlines was launched on April 2, 1981 in Rome, Italy….

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Israel attacks Lebanon, kills 7

At least seven people were killed in an Israeli attack in Nabatih, Lebanon. The attack is believed to have targeted the Islamic group’s emergency and relief center in Hebbariyeh village in southern Lebanon. Earlier on Tuesday, Israeli airstrikes killed three Hezbollah fighters near two towns in northeastern Lebanon, the powerful armed group said in a…

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