In addition to reforms, the next budget will focus on employment.

Finance Minister Abul Hasan Mahmud Ali said that in the next fiscal year (2024-2025) budget of the country, there will be more emphasis on job creation along with continuous reform efforts in various sectors.

He said, we need to increase employment generation to a greater extent, as efforts are being made to overcome the problem of foreign exchange reserves.

He was speaking to reporters after a lengthy pre-budget meeting for the 2024-25 fiscal year with economists on Monday night.

Abul Hasan Mahmud Ali said that the economists gave good advice in the meeting and they all believe that the government is on the right track to deal with the current economic situation.

“I never said there was no problem,” he said. But we have received compliments that we have handled the situation well and so far everything is fine.

The finance minister said everyone knows what the underlying issues are, so they have commented that everything is fine so far. But we have to be careful about the problems