Server error, passenger transit to India through Akhaura stopped

India has closed the passage of passengers through the Akhaura land port in Brahmanbaria. Agartala Land Port on the other side temporarily stopped accepting passengers due to a server error. However, special arrangements are being made for passengers with air tickets.

In this situation, around one hundred passengers are stranded at Akhaura Land Port.

Dewan Morshedul Haque, Assistant Sub-Inspector of Akhaura Landport Immigration Police, said that after 12 passengers entered India in the morning, the Agartala immigration authorities asked to suspend the passage of passengers. We were informed by BSF that no more passengers should be sent.

Quoting the concerned persons, he also said that the passenger crossing has been stopped due to a sudden error in the server of Agartala Immigration.

The technical team has been informed to fix the error. However, it is not known how long passenger traffic will be normal. However, those who have flight tickets under special arrangements, i.e., have very little time to board the flight, have been asked to send them.

It should be noted that the Akhaura land port is one of the means of communication between Bangladesh and Northeast India by land.

Seven to eight hundred passengers pass through this port every day. Last month too, passenger crossing was stopped due to an error in the server of this land port.