Rinky Chakma The 2017 Femina Miss India Tripura, died at the age of thirty from breast cancer

The 2017 Femina Miss India Tripura winner, Rinky Chakma, went away. The announcement was posted on the pagaent’s official Instagram profile by their official page. They posted a photo of Rinky and said, “We share the news of Rinky Chakma’s passing, Femina Miss India Tripura 2017, with profound sadness.” A wonderful woman who embodied grace and purpose, Rinky was definitely a force to be reckoned with. She won the title of Miss Beauty with a Purpose while representing Tripura in the Femina Miss India 2017 pageant, which is a testimonial to her meaningful efforts and kind nature.”

We are sending our deepest sympathies to her friends and family during this trying time. May her soul rest in peace forever. Rinky, your meaningful and beautiful legacy will always be

A Femina article stated that Rinky has been fighting cancer since 2022. Breast cancer, or malignant phyllodes tumor, was the diagnosis made for her. Following her initial surgery, the cancer proceeded to her skull, causing a brain tumor, and subsequently to her lungs. Unfortunately, her health had declined to the point where she could no longer endure treatment.

In an effort to generate money for Rinky’s medical care, model Priyanka Kumari had previously posted images of her reports.

She posted, “Hey, we are raising funds for our friend Rinky Chakma,” on her Instagram page. She has been fighting cancer for the past two years, and her family has used up all of their resources. She had surgery for breast cancer earlier, but the disease later spread to her brain and lungs. She was receiving chemotherapy at Delhi’s Aiims. She was released from the hospital until her condition improved since, regrettably, her condition worsened and she could no longer tolerate the chemotherapy. She was admitted as an emergency to Max Hospital Saket on February 22nd. She is in the intensive care unit (ICU) and is on a ventilator since one of her lungs is nearly nonexistent. In order to continue her treatment, we must raise money. Please