Killing and crushing unarmed Palestinians

The Israeli military shot two unarmed men at close range in Gaza. Later, their bodies were covered with sand by bulldozers. A video of this incident has been published by Al-Jazeera Media.

In the video, the two are seen waving white clothes. Which means they want to surrender, and there is no threat from them. But the Israeli forces still opened fire.

The incident took place in Nabulsi, southwest of Gaza City. Al-Jazeera reports that the two men were trying to reach their home on Al-Rashid Road, north of the valley. On the way, they fell in front of Israeli soldiers.

The video emerged days after the UN Security Council passed a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. More than 32,000 people have died in the six-month war in Gaza. On the other hand, the entire valley is on the brink of famine.

In the video, a bulldozer is used to bury the body. The Israeli military told Al-Jazeera on Thursday that the footage needed to be professionally reviewed for a detailed assessment of the incident. The Israeli military also said it had sent the report to the relevant authorities for review.

Hamas has already condemned the incident. This, they say, is further evidence of the extent to which fascism and criminal activity lurk behind Zionist behavior. They also called on the International Criminal Court to take urgent measures in this regard. They also called for Israel to be held accountable for crimes committed against children and unarmed civilians.

The Palestinian armed group said any ceasefire deal must include the right of Palestinians to return safely to their homes.
Meanwhile, the watchdog Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor accused Israeli forces of killing 13 children in one week. They say that Israel killed those children near Al-Shifa Hospital.

Some of the shootings took place when the victim’s family was inside their home, the Observatory said, quoting its team at the scene. Many were shot by Israeli forces as they fled to safety.

In a statement, Islam Ali Salouha told Euro-Med that his children were killed by Israeli forces on Sunday. One of them is 9, and the other is 6. The road where the children were shot dead was declared safe for travel by Israeli forces.

Salouha said that his children and neighbors left the building at the word of the Israeli forces. The Israelis said they had to leave the area or face bombardment.

A total of 32 thousand 490 people have lost their lives since October 7 in the attack by Israeli forces in Gaza. 74 thousand 889 people were injured. On the other hand, 1,139 people lost their lives in the attack by Hamas on Israeli territory.