Israel’s shelling, 104 people were killed while trying to get relief

Israeli forces opened fire on Gaza residents waiting for relief. At least 104 people were killed. At least 760 people were injured in the attack on Thursday. The attack took place at the Al-Nabusi roundabout in the west of Gaza City.

This information was reported by the French news agency AFP, citing the health authorities in Gaza.
According to the report, relief trucks carrying flour were supposed to arrive via Al-Rashid Road. There were dozens of Gazans waiting for relief trucks. Suddenly, they started firing. As the ambulance did not reach the area, the dead and injured were taken to the hospital by truck.

A witness said, “We went to fetch flour. The Israeli army fired at us. Many are dead and lying on the ground. Al-Jazeera reporter Ismail Al-Ghoul from the scene said that after the shooting, Israeli tanks ran over the dead and wounded.

According to the news agency Reuters, quoting the spokesman of the Gaza Health Ministry, Ashraf Al-Kidra, many of the injured in the attack were taken to Al-Shifa Hospital. Health workers are struggling to treat them. The head of Kamal Adwan Hospital in Gaza City, Hussam Abu Safiyah, said that the bodies of 10 people were brought to the hospital in connection with the attack in the west of the city.