India is building a new base near Maldives

India is going to open a military base on an island near the Maldives.

This announcement was made by the Indian Navy, which claims this island is strategically important. Meanwhile, Malaysia is going to send Indian troops back to the country.

A few days before this, India announced the construction of a new base. News from Voice of America and Sputnik India. According to the news, India is launching a base in Lakshadweep, which is located near the Maldives.

According to a statement from the Navy, this base will be launched on March 6. It will be operated as an independent unit of the Navy. It is located just 130 kilometers north of the Maldives.

India, however, has a military base on Kavarati Island. However, the new base will push India further (258 km) towards the Maldives. It should be noted that the relationship between the Maldives and India is now gradually going to the bottom.

This has been going on since a pro-Chinese government came to power in the Maldives through last year’s elections. The country’s government, Mohammad Muizzur, has ordered all Indian troops stationed in the Maldives to leave the country.

On the other hand, he has taken various steps to pull China closer.