China will not sell weapons to Russia-Ukraine

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has made it clear that Beijing will not sell arms to either Russia or Ukraine

The conference of International Security Alliance Munich Security Conference has started in Munich, Germany from last Saturday. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi both went to the conference.

In a bilateral meeting at the end of the conference, Kuleba told Wang that his country wants to buy weapons from China. But Wang Yi rejected the proposal, saying, ‘China never sells lethal weapons to conflict zones. Because Beijing believes that selling arms to conflict zones is as harmful as adding fuel to the fire.’

‘China is always for peace. Even if there is a ray of peace, China will work for it,’ Wang told Kuleba.

Russian forces began military operations in the country on February 26, 2022, accusing Ukraine of not recognizing Crimea as Russian territory despite signing the Minsk Agreement and Ukraine’s lobbying for membership in the US-led military alliance NATO. Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the operation.

Thousands of people have been killed in Ukraine in the last two years of war between the two sides. However, since the beginning of this war, China has been in favor of a political solution to the problems between Russia and Ukraine, and the country’s position on this issue is firm. Beijing also floated a peace proposal last year.

Welcoming Beijing’s move, the Russian president said that if an initiative is taken to resolve the Russia-Ukraine crisis on the basis of political dialogue, Beijing’s proposal will serve as the basis for that initiative.