Sepp Maier’s 80th birthday documentary

Happy birthday, Sepp Maier, aged 80! In our brief documentary, we honor the historic event by looking back on the remarkable career of the renowned Bayern goalie. Prolonged friends such as Uli Hoeneß, Franz “Bulle” Roth, Paul Breitner, Günter Netzer, and even Maier’s daughter Alexandra reminisce about stories and discuss the legendary “Cat from Anzing.”

The outstanding athlete and the enduringly endearing human are both included in the documentary. It also describes the peculiar incident in which Maier, playing for TSV Haar against Bayern as a kid, was switched from his typical position of striker to goalie; despite losing 12-0, Maier ultimately joined FCB.

Our documentary demonstrates that Maier left his impact not only as a superb goalie and later as a goalkeeping teacher, but also above all else as a person. Many more years of the “Cat from Anzing” are ahead of us!

In addition, a brand-new special exhibit honoring Maier’s 80th birthday will be on display at the FC Bayern Museum starting on February 28. It provides insight into the life and career of this incredible athlete, performer, and person who shaped Bayern like few others. Go here to learn more about it: