Hajj Guide Step by step guide to performing Hajj

Procedure for Hajj Prayer: Recitation of Niyat, Recommended Number of Rakats and Prayers for Hajj Pray

Method of praying, recitation of niyat and recommended number of rakats. Hajj prayer is a Sunnah prayer that is performed when one wants or needs it.

– Method of prayer, reciting niyat and recommended number of rakats.

Hajj prayer is a Sunnah prayer that is performed when one wants or needs it.

Modes of Conducting Prayers Namaz is performed from 2 Rakat to 12 Rakat.

Hajjat ​​prayers can be offered during the day or at night.

Excerpted from The Smart Book Complete Guide to Worship by Ust. M. Soukron Maksum, this dua is best done at night.

Following is the intention of Hajj prayer:

God wills, God wills, God wills, God wills

Usholli sunnatal hajti rok’ataini lillahi ta’ala.

Meaning: “I intend to pray two rak’ahs of Sunnah for the sake of Allah Ta’ala.”

Dua after Hazrat Namaz

After completing the Hajj prayer, Muslims may recite the following supplication:

1. Recite Istighfar 100 times:

God bless you

“Astaghfirullah rabbi min kulli danbin wa atubu ilahi.”

Meaning: “I seek forgiveness from my Lord Allah for all my sins and I repent to Him.”