GM Quader have called a joint meeting on March 2

GM Quader-led Jatiyo Party (Japa) has called a joint meeting with presidium members and parliamentarians on March 2. The meeting will be held at the party chairman’s office at Banani in the capital on that day.

The matter of the meeting was informed in a press release sent by Japa to the media on Thursday (February 22).
It is said that the chairman of the Jatiya Party and the leader of the opposition in the Jatiya Sangsad Gholam Mohammad Quader (GM Quader) will preside over the joint meeting. The party’s senior co-chairman, co-chairman, members of the presidium and parliamentarians have been requested by the party’s general secretary and opposition chief whip Mujibul Haque to attend.
On the other hand, on February 10, under the leadership of Roshan Ershad, his supporters separately announced to hold the party’s national conference on March 9.

A dispute arose between the party’s top leadership around the National Assembly elections on January 7. Now both the parts are conducting activities separately. In this way, the leaders of both the parties think that the party is going towards dissolution.