The prices of chicken and eggs are increasing before fasting

The prices of broiler chicken and eggs are increasing in the capital’s retail markets due to the upcoming Ramadan. The market for these two products remained somewhat stable throughout the winter season but has now started to rise. To buy broiler chicken in retail markets, you have to multiply Tk. 210 per kg. But a week ago it was available for 190-200 taka. Meanwhile, differences in egg prices have been seen across markets. Hali is being sold at Tk 48 in big markets and Tk 50 at local shops.

On Tuesday (February 20) morning, various raw markets and chicken shops of the capital were visited, broiler chickens were being sold between Tk 210-230 per kg. However, in most of the shops, the price of broiler is written at Tk 230 per kg. Besides, cock chickens are sold at Tk 340, country chickens at Tk 650, layer chickens at Tk 320 and big cocks at Tk 350 per kg.

Arafat, a businessman at Bismillah Chicken House in Mohammadpur’s Sadek Khan Bazar, said that today he is selling broiler at the rate of Tk 220. The price has gone up a bit. We have nothing to do. It has to be bought at a higher price.

The businessman of Rupsa Chicken House said, I am selling broiler chicken for Tk 210 per kg. When asked why the selling price of Tk 230 was written on the board, he said that it was the previous price. The price was increasing a little in the middle. Not rewritten now.

Government agency Trading Corporation of Bangladesh (TCB) says that a week ago the price of broiler chicken was between Tk 190-200 per kg. And the price of eggs was 45 taka. Now the price of these two products has increased from 5 to 20 rupees.

At the moment, the president of Bangladesh Poultry Association, asked to know what is the reason for the price increase. Suman Howladar said, the companies are the main makers of price increase and decrease. So far it has not been possible to control them. All of a sudden they increase the price of broiler chicks. As a result the market is affected. Again it suddenly reduces due to which the market price falls. These issues should be strictly controlled by the government. We farmers are helpless. We have nothing to do.

Meanwhile, broiler chicken and egg prices are increasing, the common buyers are very uncomfortable. They say that the price of broiler chickens, the source of animal meat for low-income people, is also going out of reach in this market of rising commodity prices. If the price of broiler chicken increases further in Roja, it will become difficult to survive.

Therefore, the buyers requested the concerned parties to keep a watchful eye so that the broiler chicken market does not become unstable due to Shabbat and Roza.

A hotelier said, I bought broiler chicken yesterday at the price of Tk 210 per kg. 220 rupees to buy on Tuesday. It seems that there is an attempt to increase the prices due to fasting. This price increase needs to be curbed quickly.

A buyer named Mannan said, common people always want the price of the product to be within their reach. Businessmen also benefit. But they are cutting the pocket of common people. You have to pay the asking price, there is nothing to do. Therefore, the concerned parties including the government should look at the matter seriously.