Abinashwar’ on Shohid Dhirendronath

Documentary film ‘Abinashwar’ is made on the struggle and struggle of Shohid Dhirendranath Dutta, the shaper of language movement. The film is directed by producer-producer Fakhrul Arefin Khan, a joint production of Govt. Grant and Garai Films. The film is releasing on the internet (YouTube) on February 29.
Producer Fakhrul Arefin Khan said that Shahid Dhirendranath Dutt is a Bengali lawyer, social activist and language soldier. He was active as a politician in the Indian part of the Indian subcontinent before partition and later in East Pakistan.

He was the first person who raised the demand that all the minutes of the Pakistan Constituent Assembly should be kept in Bengali along with English and Urdu.

In that crime, on the night of 29 March 1971, Dhirendranath Dutt and his younger son Dilip Kumar Dutt were abducted by Pakistani forces and his henchmen. Then Mainamati was taken to the cantonment where he was tortured and killed.