100,000 tons of sugar kept for Ramadan were burnt to ashes

One lakh metric tons of unrefined sugar was last stored in the fire that broke out at the S Alam Refined Sugar Mill in Moizartek of Karnaphuli Upazila in Chittagong.

This huge amount of sugar was imported around the upcoming Ramadan.

Executive Director of S Alam Group Subrata Kumar Bhowmik informed the media about this on Monday evening.

Subrata Kumar Bhowmik said, ‘One lakh metric tonnes of raw sugar was stocked for Ramzan. This sugar was imported from Brazil. The situation of the fire suggests that there is no more sugar left. As a result, it will not be possible for us to supply sugar to the market during Ramadan.

He further said that while the mill was running, the fire spread all around. We did not know anything about whether anyone was trapped inside or where the fire started. The fire was not brought under control even after three hours. The fire service workers are trying to prevent the fire from spreading to the main factory. We are also helping them.

Earlier, a fire broke out in the sugar factory named S Alam Refined Sugar Industries in the area under Karnaphuli police station around 4 pm today. 9 units from five local fire stations started working to control the fire at 3:53 pm on the news of the fire.

Even after three and a half hours, the fire could not be brought under control. In addition to the fire service, several units of the Coast Guard and the Air Force are working to put out the fire.

Assistant Director of Fire Service and Civil Defense Abdul Malek said, “We are trying to prevent the fire of S Alam Refined Sugar Mill from spreading.” At present 18 units of fire service are working to control the fire. The fire is still confined to one of the six godowns of the sugar mill