Ferdous inaugurated Chasik’s ‘Clean City Campaign’

Chittagong City Corporation (CHSIC) has launched ‘Clean City Campaign’ to make Chittagong clean by making citizens aware and involved.
On Saturday (February 17), a colorful procession on the occasion of the campaign ended from the Chittagong Press Club at the CRB Summit.

The program was inaugurated by MP Nayak Ferdous Ahmed. Chasik Mayor Bir Muktijoddha was with him. Rezaul Karim Chowdhury. As part of the campaign, distribution of awareness leaflets and miking and special cleanliness drives were conducted among the citizens.

About the purpose of the campaign, the Mayor said, “Clean City Campaign” has been conducted to increase people’s involvement in the program of keeping Chittagong clean . We want people not to throw garbage, polythene everywhere. If people cooperate with us, my plan to keep the city clean will be implemented.

‘Clean Chittagong’ will be developed.
In the campaign, Member of Parliament Ferdous Ahmed said, there is no such beautiful city surrounded by mountains, forests and flowers like Chittagong. But to keep this beautiful city clean, people need conscious behavior. Today’s campaign is about cleanliness especially among the youth
We want to spread the message of awareness.

Chosik Councillor, Chosik Secretary Khaled Mahmood, Chief Cleaning Officer Latiful Haque Kazmi, Mayor’s Private Secretary Abul Hashem, Chosik officials and employees, World Vision Bangladesh, Youth Red Crescent, Rover Scout Chosik, BD Clean and Ipsa, various social organizations and thousands of citizens participated in the campaign. .