Briefing by the Air Force Chief to the members of the UN Peacekeeping Mission Congo contingent

The Bangladesh Air Force is going to replace the United Nations Peacekeeping Mission (MONUSCO) contingent deployed in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Chief of the Air Force Air Chief Marshal Sheikh Abdul Hannan, BBP, BUP, NSWC, FAWC, PSC delivered a valuable speech to the Congolese contingent members on 25 February 2024 (Sunday) at the Air Force Headquarters. At this time, he called upon them to bring reputation to the Bangladesh Air Force and the country by fulfilling the duties assigned to them in the UN peacekeeping mission with discipline, honesty, professionalism and sincerity. Finally he participated in a special prayer organized for the success of the mission. Among others, Principal Staff Officers of Air Base, Dhaka Air Officers and senior officials of Biman Sadar and Base were present on the occasion. It may be noted here that a total of 252 Air Force personnel are deployed in 02 contingents (Utility Aviation Unit and Air Transport Unit) of the Bangladesh Air Force in the Congo Peacekeeping Mission, which already has 06 Mi-Series helicopters and 01 C-130 transport aircraft and ground support equipment. .