Bangladesh Air Force Annual Exercise-2024

Bangladesh Air Force’s five-day annual exercise-2024 is being held. As a significant part of the exercise, Air Force pilots are conducting all types of missions including attack, interception, surveillance of enemy-held areas from the air, logistics, troop and munitions transfer, special operations, search and rescue, following various air combat tactics.

On the occasion of the exercise, Bangladesh Air Force chief Air Chief Marshal Sheikh Abdul Hannan, BBP, BUP, NSWC, FAWC, PSC, on Tuesday 05 March 2024, inspected the various activities of various types of air exercises at the Air Force Base Bangabandhu in Dhaka. After the inspection, the Air Force Chief said that the Bangladesh Air Force has the capability of air defense and this capability will be increased through the exercise. He also said that through this exercise it will be possible to assess the capabilities of the newly integrated radar and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV).

The exercise is being conducted from various units located in all Air Force bases, Sylhet, Tangail, Lalmonirhat, Shamshernagar, Rasulpur and Sudharam across Bangladesh from 03 March 2024. All types of combat and transport aircraft, helicopters and radars, missile units and unmanned aerial system units of the Air Force are being used in this exercise. In this exercise, various radar squadrons of the air force are identifying the attack of the enemy and practicing the strategy of countering the attack with the help of the combat aircraft and missile units of their own forces. Apart from air combat, all tactics related to ground base defense are being practiced. Combat Search & Rescue (CSAR) missions by Air Force helicopters and commando teams, emergency logistics transfer by transport aircraft, detection and deactivation of bombs or explosives with the help of Air Force Bomb Disposal Unit and countering enemy aircraft infiltrating the airspace through scrambleIn order to do this, exercises such as using combat aircraft on Air Defense Alert (ADA), surveillance through drones and attacking time sensitive targets etc. are being carried out.
It is to be noted that through this exercise, Bangladesh Air Force’s strength was verified and the effective combat capability of the existing weapons was assessed to determine its weak points: important recommendations will be made. All these important recommendations will play a special role in building a more advanced air defense system for the Bangladesh Air Force in the future