Bangladesh Air Force and US Pacific Air Force’s joint training exercise “Exercise Cope South 2024” concluded

The 10-day joint exercise titled Exercise Cope South-2024 with the participation of the Bangladesh Air Force and the United States Pacific Air Force under the management of the Bangladesh Air Force ended on February 28, 2024, on Wednesday at the Bangladesh Air Force Base Bangabandhu.

Air Vice Marshal Hasan Mahmood Khan, BBP, OSP, GUP, NSWC, PSC, Assistant Air Force Chief (Management) was present as the chief guest in the closing ceremony organized on the occasion. He gave the closing speech to the guests present at the event and the members participating in the exercise.

Major General Eric C. Novak, head of the US Pacific Air Force delegation, also gave a speech at the event. US Embassy Charge d’Affaires Helen LaFave was the special guest on the occasion. Also, officials of the US Embassy, ​​senior officers of the armed forces including the armed forces department, members of both countries participating in the exercise and representatives of the Bangladesh Police attended the event.

One C-130J and one AN-32 transport aircraft of the Bangladesh Air Force and two C-130J transport aircraft of the Pacific Air Force, 250 members of the Bangladesh Air Force and 77 members of the US Pacific Air Force participated in Exercise Cope South-2024. In addition, 12 personnel from the Bangladesh Air Force, 30 personnel from the Bangladesh Army and 40 paratroopers from the Bangladesh Navy participated.

Various exercises are conducted in Exercise Cope South to ensure maximum utilization of Bangladesh Air Force’s transport aircraft in response to emergencies and natural calamities. In this joint exercise, interoperability between the Bangladesh Air Force and the United States Pacific Air Force, training exchange, advanced maintenance of transport aircraft, improved use of various equipment used during training, and future activitiesVarious issues including determining the equipment that will be needed by the Bangladesh Air Force are highlighted. The exercise Cope South-2024, which is being held with the participation of both the countries, will play an important role in increasing the disaster response capability of the armed forces of both the countries as well as increasing mutual understanding and cooperation. It will also strengthen the existing friendly relations between Bangladesh and the United States