Awami League’s focus on increasing power

After the election of the 12th National Parliament, the party activities of the ruling party, Awami League, fell somewhat. At the same time, due to the party symbol boat and independent candidates in the national elections, conflicts and conflicts have increased at the grassroots of the party. In order to reduce these conflicts, the party has decided to increase the strength of the party at the grassroots level.
According to party sources, Awami League has 78 organizational districts and 495 upazilas. In more than 30 districts and upazilas, the committee has expired but the conference did not take place. And in 18 districts and cities, there was no full-fledged committee. However, the party claims that 69 districts and more than 350 upazila party meetings have been held before the election. Awami League has committees in these districts and upazilas. Full committee has not been done in 5 districts. And the number of not having a full-fledged committee in the upazila will be very high.
Several top leaders of Awami League told the light of time that there was conflict between leaders at the grassroots level even before the 12th national election. As a result, even if the center wanted to, it could not hold a conference in many districts. Due to disagreements between district and upazila presidents and general secretaries, the conference did not take place on time in many places. But after the twelfth national elections, these differences increased.
Recently, party president and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has given instructions to organize the grassroots of the party. He said, the places where the conference was not held. They have to be convened. And those that have had a conference, but no committee or only a partial committee, those committees should be formed quickly. Because it is very important to strengthen the Trinamool as a preparation to be on the streets against any conspiracy in the future.
BNP-Jamaat can revert to their old form anytime. For this, 8 organizational teams responsible for 8 divisions of Awami League will do their work. Leaders of 8 organizational teams in charge of 8 departments are sitting on the floor after such instructions of Sheikh Hasina. These responsible leaders are talking about speedy meetings of the leaders in the district and upazila of their organizational divisions and where there are no committees, they are speedy.
On the other hand, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said in a special extended meeting of Awami League at Ganobhaban on February 10, party leaders and workers should forget the differences created around the 12th National Parliament elections and work together. I do not want any kind of conflict at the grassroots in view of the upcoming local government elections. Action will be taken against whoever is involved in this. Some won the election, some did not win. But he got some votes. Many people have been conflicted while doing independent-party elections. That must be forgotten now. If there is any problem somewhere, the central committee will solve it. The biggest is the organization. If there is any grassroots organization in the country, it is Awami League and its affiliates. May the activities of your respective organizations and affiliated organizations be done properly. If there is no council in any place, please make it soon.
On the other hand, in a joint meeting of the party at the central office of the Awami League on Bangabandhu Avenue in the capital on February 16, party general secretary Obaidul Quader quoted party president and prime minister Sheikh Hasina as saying that the party president and prime minister Sheikh Hasina has given instructions that Dhaka metropolitan north-south, district and sub-districts including affiliated organizations have expired. The conference of the committees should be held very quickly. The district and upazila whose term has expired, the conference should be held quickly. In addition, conflicts have arisen between boats and independent candidates and their supporters around the last 12th National Assembly elections, eight organizational departmental teams have to take initiatives to resolve them. Trinamool leaders should be called to Dhaka and resolved so that there is no conflict anywhere. Corporate action will be taken against those who try to perpetuate the conflict. The organization should run like an organization. These tasks can be done during Ramadan.
Sources say that the last conference of Dhaka Metropolitan North and South Awami League was held on November 30, 2019. On this day, the names of the president and general secretaries were announced, but the full committee was given on November 19, 2020. As per rules, the conference was supposed to be held in November 2022 but it has not happened yet. And there are 24 police stations, 75 wards, 5 unions and 400 units under Dhaka Metropolitan South Awami League. Among them, the units have been given a conference for the first time.
However, the committee was not given to the ward and police station. Dhaka Metropolitan North Awami League has 802 units, one union, 64 wards and 26 police stations, but no committee has been given anywhere. There was no meeting of the affiliated organizations anywhere. And although there was a conference, there was no full committee. Apart from this, Awami Jubo League has not yet held any conference of Dhaka Metropolitan North-South. The organization is taking the initiative to hold a conference soon.
Although the Dhaka metropolitan North-South Conference of the Volunteer League has not yet completed the full committee. They are also working. Besides, initiatives have been taken to hold conferences and committees of all the affiliated organizations including Farmers League, Fishermen League, Sramik League, Jubo Mahila League and Mahila Awami League.
Several leaders of Dhaka Metropolitan North-South Awami League said in the light of time on the condition of anonymity that the term of Dhaka Metropolitan North-South Awami League committee expired on September 2022. But the committees of police stations, wards and units have not been given yet. It was not possible to give them due to disagreement among the Dhaka Metropolitan South Awami League Committee. Dhaka Metropolitan South Awami League president and general secretary wants to form a pocket committee. That’s why basically they can’t give committee. General Secretary of Dhaka North Awami League wants to form pocket committee with his own people. However, following the instructions of party president Sheikh Hasina, the president and general secretaries of Dhaka Metropolitan North-South Awami League are now working to provide the committee. It is heard that they will give this committee by the end of next March.
A vice-president of the Dhaka Metropolitan South Awami League said on condition of anonymity in view of the time, that the president and general secretary of the South wants to give a committee like himself. And don’t tell us anything. As a result, police station, ward and unit committees are not able to pay. Now they want to hold a conference of Dhaka Metropolitan South Awami League without giving full committees of police stations, wards and units. Dhaka Metropolitan North Awami League has the same attitude. They made such a proposal to Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader.
A member of the editorial board of Awami League, on the condition of anonymity, told the Times that although there was a conference of police stations, wards and units belonging to Dhaka Metropolitan North-South Awami League, the committee could not be given there. There is a lack of unity among their presidents and general secretaries. They have been directed to settle all differences immediately and give a quick committee. Because the term of Dhaka Metropolitan North-South Awami League Committee has already expired in September 2022. They have been asked to quickly prepare for the conference with their committees. Besides, Jubo League’s Dhaka Metropolitan North-South conference has not yet taken place. Central Jubo League also could not hold a conference due to differences among themselves. However, they have been ordered to give a speedy conference and full committee. Swachhasebak League held a conference of Dhaka Metropolitan North and South but could not provide a full committee. They have also been instructed to provide full-fledged committees in North-South.
AHM Khairuzzaman Liton, a member of Awami League’s presidium, said in the light of time, if the party is in power for a long time, the organization becomes lax. To overcome this laxity, the party president of Awami League and the prime minister gave instructions to strengthen Trinamool. I don’t know how much the BNP-Jamaat will be able to fight in the country. But there is no alternative to strengthen the grassroots of the party to face any anarchic situation. Work has already started. As the month of Ramadan is ahead. Then upazila parishad election. So basically we want to hold the conference and committees after the upazila parishad election. Because doing it now will make the problem more complicated. Leader-to-leader conflicts may escalate. Since the Awami League gave away the boat symbol in the Upazila Parishad elections. So everyone will get a chance to participate in the election. He may be the leader of Awami League or allied organizations.
Joint general secretary of Awami League AFM Bahauddin Nashim said in the light of time, Awami League is a big organization. However, some districts, upazilas, metropolitan and municipal Awami League did not have a conference. And although there was a conference somewhere, there was no committee. And the committee was not full. Therefore, there are instructions to give speedy conference and committee. Because the party is being reorganized from the grassroots level. It will be resolved by calling the grass root level leaders to Dhaka or going to the area. Due to the last national elections there was not much momentum in the organizational work. Party President and Prime Minister gave instructions to strengthen Trinamool. Everyone is involved in this work.
Dhaka Metropolitan North Awami League President Sheikh Bajlur Rahman said in the light of time, the party has instructed to hold a conference and a full committee. The meetings of police stations, wards and units were not disclosed due to some problems. we are working I will publish the committees by the end of next March.
Abu Ahmed Mannafi, President of Dhaka Metropolitan South Awami League, said in the light of time, Central Awami League has given instructions to give full committees of police stations, wards and units. Committee work is ongoing.
Afzalur Rahman Babu, general secretary of the Volunteer League, told the Times that most of the meetings of the Volunteer League have been held. The rest will be completed within the next 6 months. And I will be able to give the full committee of police stations, wards and units under the north-south of Dhaka metropolis by next April.