5 Rohingya children died in Bhasanchar explosion

Another 3-year-old child named Rushmina died due to gas cylinder explosion in the Rohingya camp of Bhasanchar, Noakhali. None of the five children injured in the explosion survived.

The child died on Wednesday (February 28) around 11:30 pm while undergoing treatment at the Chittagong Medical College (CHMEC) hospital. Brigadier General Shamim Ahsan, director of Chamek Hospital, confirmed the matter.

He said that the last Rohingya child, Rushmina, suffered burns on her airway and 50 percent of her body. A total of 7 people injured in the accident were brought to Chamek Hospital. 5 of them were children. All of them are dead.

It has been reported that a gas cylinder explosion occurred in cluster number 81 of Rohingya camp in Bhasanchar of Hatia upazila on the morning of February 24. 9 people including 5 children were burnt. The injured were first admitted to the 250-bed Noakhali General Hospital. The doctor on duty there sent 7 people to Chamek Hospital for better treatment that day.

A two-and-a-half-year-old Rohingya child named Russell died on the way to the hospital. Then on February 26 Mobashwera (4) and Ravi Alam (5) under treatment at Chamek Hospital and on February 28 in the morning a 5 and a half year old child named Sohail died.