US presidential election Trump is closer to the nomination

Donald Trump is almost certain to win the Republican Party nomination in the US presidential election.

Last Saturday, in three more states—Michigan, Missouri, and Idaho—the party caucus (primary candidate selection) won easily. On the other hand, Trump is ahead of current Democratic Party President Joe Biden in terms of popularity.

Donald Trump narrowly defeated former US ambassador Nikki Haley in the race for the nomination in Michigan, Missouri, and Idaho.

Through this, Trump went a long way toward getting nominated as the presidential candidate of the Republican Party. Earlier, 77-year-old Trump won in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, the Virgin Islands, and South Carolina.

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley is the only challenger left in the running for the nomination and has yet to win a state. An upbeat Trump said he was ‘rocketing towards the nomination’.

Tomorrow, Tuesday, 15 states will hold Republican primaries (another type of selection vote) simultaneously. This day is known as ‘Super Tuesday’ as many states vote together. It is believed that Trump can confirm the nomination 100% on that day.

If Trump’s nomination is finalized at the party’s national convention next July, Trump will fight with Joe Biden, the potential candidate of the Democratic Party.

Trump beat Nikki Haley in every county in Missouri, according to poll results. About 2,000 party workers voted in the caucus in Michigan. Trump received the support of every one of the state’s 39 delegates.

He secured the support of 16 delegates after winning the Michigan primary last week. Apart from this, the American billionaire also won easily in the western state of Idaho.

It should be noted that the delegates represent their state or district in the party’s national conference. At the same time, he determines who will be the presidential candidate. As of yesterday, Trump has received the support of 247 Republican delegates. Nikki Haley confirmed only 24.

Last Saturday, supporters stood in line for hours to hear Trump’s speech in Richmond, the capital of Virginia. Expecting a big victory tomorrow, Trump said, “The victory we got is unbelievable.”

The focus of his speech on this day was immigration, the current topic of discussion in the United States. Several Trump supporters said last Saturday that immigration was their top concern.

Trump blamed President Joe Biden for the illegal immigration crisis on the southern border. He claims that the current president is deliberately encouraging immigrants to migrate from Mexico to the United States. However, he could not show any evidence for this claim.

In response to Trump’s statement, Biden’s campaign spokesperson, Amar Musa, said, “Trump has not allowed the most fair and tough border protection bill to pass in decades.”

He is again trying to mislead people with this truth. Because Trump thinks this issue will help his election campaign.

Meanwhile, the results of the New York Times and Siena polls last Saturday showed that 48 percent of citizens will support Trump. On the other hand, Biden has 43 percent public support.

Trump pointed to this poll at a rally in Richmond. He called on supporters to send messages next Tuesday.