The young woman picked up the TV presenter as he did not agree to the marriage

It is often heard that young women are abducted for marriage. In short, there are many cases of kidnapping of women for marriage. But this time the opposite happened in Hyderabad, India.

A TV presenter was not agreeing to the marriage. Because of this, a young woman picked him up. The police have already arrested the young woman on this charge.


Indian news media NDTV reported that the young woman had kidnapped the presenter for marriage, according to the Hyderabad police on Friday.

Police say the young woman installed a location tracking device in the presenter’s car to track his movements. The 31-year-old accused runs a digital marketing business.

According to the details of the incident, two years ago, the young woman liked the presenter’s picture on a website related to marriage and matchmaking. Later, he realized that someone had used the presenter’s picture instead of his own picture on the potter’s profile on the website.

Then the accused girl got a number on that website which was used by the presenter. Later, the accused girl contacted the presenter on messenger app and told that someone was using her photo to run the ID on the marriage site. The presenter then complained to the cyber police station.

But even after that, the young woman continued to communicate with the presenter. According to the police, at that time the presenter blocked the accused girl’s number. However, the young woman makes a promise that she will marry the presenter and plans to kidnap him.

So as planned, he hired four people and installed a tracking device in his car to monitor the presenter’s movements.

According to the police, the four presenters were kidnapped on February 11 and taken to the young woman’s office. He was severely beaten there. Fearing for his life, the presenter agreed to the young woman’s proposal. He was then released.

Later, the presenter lodged a complaint at the Uppal police station. A case has been filed under sections 263, 341, 342 and A of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). After that, the police started an investigation and arrested the innocent young woman and four hired kidnappers.