The list of 10 richest countries in the world is published



The second largest lender, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), has released the list of the world’s top 10 richest countries. The list is published on the basis of gross domestic product (GDP), per capita income and general population vulnerability.

Luxembourg, the smallest country in Europe, is at the top of this list. The per capita income of the people of the country with an area of ​​only 2 thousand 586 square kilometers is 1 lakh 40 thousand 312 dollars.

Ireland is second in the list. The per capita income of the country is one hundred and seventy thousand nine hundred eighty eight dollars. Switzerland is in the third position. The per capita income of the country is 100,000 251 dollars. After that, Norway is in the fourth position with a per capita income of 1 lakh 2 thousand 465 dollars. Singapore is in the fifth position. The per capita income of the country is 91 thousand 733 dollars.

Iceland is at the sixth position in the list. The per capita income of the country is 87 thousand 875 dollars. Qatar is in the seventh position. The per capita income of the country is 84 thousand 906 dollars. Next is the United States. The per capita income of the country is 83 thousand 66 dollars. Denmark is in ninth position. The per capita income of the country is 72 thousand 940 dollars. Last on the list is Macau SAR. The per capita income of the country is 70 thousand 135 dollars.

GDP is the first measure of economic development of a country. It is basically a collective account of a country’s annual product and service development. The per capita income of any country can be calculated by dividing this figure by the total population. However, per capita income is also added to the IMF’s list of people’s average purchasing power.

The IMF publishes this list annually and quarterly. This year’s published list is quarterly. It was released last Wednesday