Strong earthquake in Taiwan, 10 feet tsunami forecast

A strong earthquake shook Taiwan. The country’s Meteorological Department has predicted that a tsunami with a height of about 10 feet may hit.

The earthquake occurred on the east coast of Taiwan on Wednesday. Its magnitude was 7.4 on the Richter scale. BBC news.

According to the report, many houses have collapsed in the earthquake. Many multi-story buildings were damaged. Casualties could not be confirmed. But it is feared that many may be buried under the rubble.

Meanwhile, Taiwan issued a tsunami warning after the earthquake. Tsunami warnings have also been issued for Japan and the Philippines. The Meteorological Department has predicted that a tsunami of up to 10 feet in height may hit.

The US Geological Survey (USGS) put the earthquake at 7.4, while the Taiwan Earthquake Observatory said it was 7.2.

The epicenter was 18 kilometers south of Hualien, Taiwan. The source was 34.8 km below the surface.

It was the strongest earthquake in Taiwan in 25 years. Earlier in September 1999, an earthquake of magnitude 7.6 occurred in the country. 2 thousand 400 people died in it.