Some interesting facts about the King of Bhutan

There is a popular story: a young prince is football mad. He played as a goalkeeper. But he never scored. Later, he wondered why he did not score; only the opponent did! He got the reply that, since he was Yuvraj, the opposing players showed him respect and sent him to the other side. After that, the prince gave up his favorite football game from that day.

The story is about King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck of Bhutan. As a youngster, he played in the country’s First Division Football League. He is also very interested in basketball and photography. There are many such stories about the simple life of the King of Bhutan. Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck has a reputation in the world as a benevolent king, even in the age of democracy. The most popular is the love story of the king of the dragon country. Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, King of Bhutan, the land of dragons and the small country called ‘Drc Yul’ in the local language, married a beautiful young woman named Jetsun Pema. The hearts of King Jigme and Jetsun were taken 14 years ago at a family banquet in Thimphu. At that time, Jetsun was seven years old, and Jigme was 17 years old. Raja Jigme himself told the story of his childhood love at a gathering of students last August. He said, ‘I was a prince then. That day, I kneeled before Jetsune and said, When you grow up, if you and I are both single and if both of us want, I will marry you. The love affair took place on October 13, 2011, a beautiful sunny day. However, the beloved King Jigme of the small country of seven million people told the people about the country’s future queen last May. Since then, Jetsun has accompanied the King on almost every visit to the country. Even during these visits, King Jigme would walk around holding Jetsun’s hand in such a way that it has become quite a trend among the youth of Bhutan. Bhutan is the country of the dragon, which is quietly hidden between the two largest powerful countries in the world, China and India.