Rohingya women entered Bangladesh after being shot in Myanmar

Five Rohingya including a shot woman from Myanmar entered Bangladesh through the Shahparidwip border.

They infiltrated in a small boat at Teknaf Shahparidwip border of Cox’s Bazar around 5 pm on Saturday.

A local fisherman said that around 5:00 pm, a shot woman came to Bangladesh for medical treatment in a small boat from across the Teknaf Shahparirdwip border. Two others were with him. Others are boatmen.

Teknaf-2 BGB captain Lt. Col. Mohiuddin Ahmed said, we are resisting them and arrangements will be made to send them back by night. However, we continue to strengthen border patrols.

Abdus Salam, UP member of Teknaf Shahparirdwip Ward No. 9, said that in the afternoon, 5 Rohingyas arrived from Myanmar in a dinghy boat and arrived at the Jetty Ghat. BGB came to the spot after receiving the information. I heard that they came here for treatment after being shot in the battle between the Arakan Army and the armed forces in Myanmar’s Rakhine State