Porn star bribery case: Trump’s trial will begin on April 15

The trial of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump will begin on April 15 in the case of bribing porn star Stormy Daniels. A New York court reported this information. This will be the first time that Trump will be tried in a criminal case. A court judge said last Monday (March 25) that the Republican presidential candidate will either be convicted or freed before the November 5 election.

Trump’s lawyer, Todd Blanch, said in this incident, “Trump is being treated unfairly.” He’s running for president, and it’s unfair to put him on trial. Trump told reporters on Monday local time, “This case is about election interference and voter intimidation.” It is not right to allow this to happen.

He also said, “This case is dishonorable. We are going to appeal against it.

The porn star bribery case is one of several legal troubles for the 77-year-old Trump as he continues his 2024 presidential campaign. Trump faces four criminal charges and is scheduled to appear in court before the November presidential election.

He has denied all 34 charges brought against Trump.

Former US President Donald Trump was accused of paying porn star Stormy Daniels $130,000 to shut up before the 2016 election. He paid this bribe in exchange for keeping Stormy Daniels’ relationship with Trump a secret. A criminal case was filed against Trump after this sensational allegation came to light. Stormy Daniels herself filed a defamation suit against Trump.

Trump and Daniels made a pact to keep their mouths shut in exchange for money. It listed Trump as David Dennison and Daniels as Peggy Peterson. The contract was drafted by attorney Michael Cohen.

Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump, the candidate for the upcoming election of the United States, survived the fear of confiscation of assets. According to the court’s order, instead of Rs. 46 crore, he will have to pay a bond of 170 million dollars for the time being. Trump breathed a sigh of relief at the court’s order just before the deadline for submitting a huge bond. On Monday (March 25), the New York court said that a bond of 17.5 million dollars must be submitted within the next 10 days.

Trump has been accused of exaggerating his assets to get a loan. In the 2016 presidential election, the Republican Party gave false information while collecting funds from donors. Trump was fined $355 million in a New York fraud case last February. Including interest, it stands at 464 million dollars.