The best Manchester derby in the eyes of Sir Ferguson

Manchester derby means extra frenzy in England. Football matches can be seen on the television screen or currently through various apps on mobile phones. So this derby craze has now increased all over the world.

Currently, there are various football groups including their own team’s group through social media. As a result, in many countries including Bangladesh, the fight between two teams on the football field is overshadowed and it creates heat outside the field as well. Another Manchester derby today.

Since 1881, Manchester derby has given many memorable matches till now. Just to list the English Premier League’s famous ‘Manchester Derby’, there are many competitive matches to be found.

However, the best Manchester derby in the eyes of Sir Alex Ferguson was the match at Old Trafford in the Premier League in the 2009-10 season.

Man City spent big in the transfer window before the start of the season to boost their strength. Before the match, both teams were tied on points. A total of 7 goals were scored in the match.

Manchester United took the lead in the second minute through Wayne Rooney’s goal at Old Trafford. City’s Gareth Barry paid it off in the 16th minute. Man United took the lead again when Darren Fletcher scored in the 49th minute. But Carrig Bellamy scored in the 52nd minute to equalize the match.

Fletcher scored his second in the 80th minute to make it 3-2. But in the 90th minute, Bellamy scored his second goal of the match to make the score 3-3.

It seemed that the Manchester derby would end in a draw. However, Michael Owen added to the hosts’ celebration at the end of added time (96 minutes). It was Wayne’s first derby goal for Manchester United.

Carlos Tevez spent the previous two seasons at Man Utd. He joined City in 2009-10. And Man U brought Wayne in place of Tevez