Taskin gave Jaker ‘The Tigers Code’; what is written in the book?

The Sri Lanka series started as soon as the Bangladesh Premier League was over. The two teams will play the first T20 of the three-match series in Sylhet tomorrow. Nazmul Hossain Shantar’s ‘full captain’ chapter begins this series. Despite not being in the team at the beginning of this series, Zaker Ali Anik got a chance at the last moment due to Alis Al Islam’s injury.

He joined the team and practiced today. Before this, he received a gift of a book.

Taskin Ahmed gave the book named ‘The Tigers Code’ to Zaker in the presence of the entire team before the start of practice. Where it is written is how the culture of Bangladesh cricket will be and how the cricketers can play as an ideal team.

Prioritizing party loyalty above all else is the core of the Tigers code. In other words, the context of ‘the team is bigger than the individual’.

In a video message published by the Bangladesh Cricket Board, Taskin said, ‘How can we organize our team, how will our culture be, and how do we want to live with each other in this Tigers code book? Team first is what it’s all about—team above all else.

For this, we should be with each other. We want this thing to be in our minds instead of just thinking of it as a book.

He also said, ‘This Bangladesh team is for life; if we change the culture and take a step forward, the next generation will do something better. The Tigers Code is very important. Although not as important as the constitution, ‘The Tigers Code’ can be called the unwritten constitution of Bangladesh cricket.