Mustafiz in the hospital

Tiger pacer Mostafizur Rahman was hit on the head by Windies cricketer Matthew Ford’s hook ball during BPL practice in Chittagong. After this incident, he was quickly taken from the stadium to the hospital in an ambulance.

This incident happened on Sunday (February 18) around 12 noon.
It is known that Mustafiz was practicing on the net. He was hitting the ball in the net. At that time Windies cricketer Ford was batting in another net nearby. A ball from his hook came and hit Mustafiz on the head. After that, he was taken to the hospital by ambulance. However, the extent of his injuries is yet to be ascertained.

Mostafiz is playing for Comilla Victorians in the current season of BPL. He has played 9 matches so far and has taken 11 wickets at an average of 23.91.