BNP was involved in BDR rebellion: Foreign Minister

Foreign Minister and Joint General Secretary of Awami League. Hasan Mahmud said that the BDR rebellion was carried out in a conspiracy to overthrow the Awami League government elected by a large number of people’s votes, in which BNP-Khaleda Zia was involved.
He made this comment in response to a question during an exchange of views with journalists at the official residence of the Foreign Minister on Minto Road in the capital on Monday (February 26).
BNP’s Senior Joint Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi’s recent comment, ‘Awami League to keep power in the BDR rebellion’, asked the foreign minister. Hasan said, I heard this statement of Rizvi Sahib on television and saw it online. This statement seems to me like a madman’s delirium. Awami League formed the government under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for the second time on January 6, 2009 after being elected by a large majority of the people in the last 2008 election. In the election, we Awami League got 233 seats out of 300 seats and formed the government. BNP got only 30 seats. Why would the government do such a horrible thing after forming the government after receiving such a huge verdict? And the members of the Awami family were mostly killed that day. Even the then IGP’s daughter’s son-in-law was killed.
The foreign minister asked questions and said, BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia does not wake up before noon, but why did Khaleda Zia wake up early in the morning and leave the cantonment that day? His movements were suspicious. There is a record of how many times he spoke in London that day. This proves that BNP is directly involved in the BDR rebellion. Therefore Ruhul Kabir Rizvi’s statement is the delusion of a madman.
Journalists accused BNP leader Moin Khan of massive corruption against the government, when asked about this, the minister said that when BNP was in power, it became the champion of corruption four times in a row due to their corruption and looting. The FBI came to Bangladesh to testify to the corruption of their acting chairman. BNP leader Moin Khan may have forgotten these things. I don’t want to talk about anyone’s father, but Moin Khan’s father stood in the parliament and said, if necessary, the country will be sold.
Dr. Hasan Mahmud also said that the BNP had hoped that the election would not be held on January 7. They prayed that people should not go to vote. But 42 percent people voted. When a beautiful election took place, the Prime Minister was congratulated by the whole world, Joe Biden praised by letter and the European Union also praised, the BNP lost. BNP is complaining that their workers are being arrested, the minister said, about two thousand people are arrested every day for theft, robbery or various crimes. The question now is whether BNP is telling their workers or not.
Then a delegation of 13 members of the Agartala Press Club visiting Dhaka came to meet him at the official residence of the Foreign Minister. Agartala Press Club President Jayant Bhattacharya, Secretary Ramakant Dey and Syed Sajjad Ali, Kamal Chowdhury, Ranjan Roy, Abhishek Dey, Surjit Pal, Manish Lodh, Abhishek Debbarma, Pranab Sarkar, Suprabhat Debnath, Devashis Majumder and Suman Debray and President of Bangladesh National Press Club Farida Yasmin. , General Secretary Shyamal Dutta, Broadcast Journalist Center President Rezwanul Haque and other ministers. Hasan met Mahmud at a tea party.