Nusrat Faria returned home with some recovery

Nusrat Faria was admitted to a hospital in Banani in the capital on Thursday (February 8) at 11 clock when she suddenly fell ill. He was unconscious then.

Faria’s physical condition improved slightly after receiving treatment overnight. For this reason, this actress was taken to Faria’s house on Friday (February 9) at noon.

Nusrat Faria’s return home was informed by her mother Ferdowsi Parveen. He told the media that he is now slightly better than the condition in which he was brought to the hospital last night. A CT scan was scheduled. But duty doctor on Friday

no CT scan to be done after two days. Since he is not completely healthy physically, he is under mental pressure, so I will do a CT scan after two days.

Nusrat Faria has been working alone day and night for the past few months. His mother said, basically, he has been suffering from headache for two months. Had a check-up done outside a few days ago but no migraine problem was found. But he was suffering from headache. Couldn’t sleep properly. On days when he works in front of more lights during shooting, he gets more headaches.

He also said that not eating properly along with taking headache medicine and sleeping medicine together gave him an attack all together. If Faria is a little better, maybe he will bring treatment from Thailand. I would like to say to those who like him, everyone should pray for Faria.


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