The health minister saw with his own eyes the raids and irregularities in the central dispensary.

The Minister of Health and Family Welfare, Dr. Samant Lal Sen.

During this time, he saw hundreds of cartons filled with various essential health care items lying in useless condition and found irregularities in various matters. Also, various essential health care products were found there, lying unused for many days.

On Sunday (February 25), from 1:50 PM to 2:25 PM, the health minister visited the entire institution. Samant Lal Sen. Later, the senior information officer of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. This information was contained in a circular signed by Maidul Islam Pradhan.

It is said in the circular that on Sunday afternoon, the Secretary of the Health Care Department. Health Minister Dr. Jahangir Alam and Director General of the Health Department, ABM Khurshid Alam, led this jhatika campaign. Samant Lal Sen. The Health Minister visited the CMSD for about 35 minutes, visited the entire storage, and asked the officials present there about various issues.

During the raid, the Health Minister found hundreds of cartons of various essential health care items lying unused in the central dispensary and found irregularities in various matters. Various essential health care products were found lying there unused for many days. Senior officials working in CMSD present asked how many essential products expired there when they were unused. CMSD officials present could not answer most of the health minister’s questions.

Sources in the ministry said that the Minister of Health saw these irregularities, including the list of all the goods in this store, the date on which any goods were delivered and when any goods will be delivered in the future, and why so many goods are wasted. The health minister was ordered to submit a written report to the minister within the next seven days stating the reason. Samant Lal Sen.

The Health Minister and Secretary of the Health Care Department are present there. He told Jahangir Alam and Director General of Health Department ABM Khurshid Alam to sit in an urgent meeting to collect this report at a specified time and take appropriate action.