Nora Sharif: Genuine friend of Bangladesh

Nora was an Irish by birth, she was born in Dublin, Ireland in 1943. Nora Sharif’s role in the great freedom struggle of Bengali was unique. Nora played a historic role in the formation of world opinion in the liberation war of 1971. Day after day in lobbying for Bangladesh with British MPs, Nora traveled to different cities of Britain.

Barrister Nora Sharif has spent hours driving from one end of England to the other almost every day since the war of independence began on March 26, 1971, to build public opinion in favor of Bangladesh’s independenceNera Sharif was also responsible for writing letters in English, providing information about the situation of the liberation war, and writing letters to British MPs on behalf of Bangladesh. On April 3rd, a march of women and children was taken to Buckingham Palace to present a petition to the Queen of Britain to help end the killing of women and children in East PakistanNora Sharif was also instrumental in planning and executing the massive rally in Trafalgar Square on 4th April 1971. Purchase and dispatch of night vision equipment for the troops, making posters and banners. Nora Sharif also assisted the refugees who came to London from different countries, communication with the world mediaHe worked to get the support of various countries to recognize Bangladesh. Worked as a teacher of law department of independent Bangladesh Dhaka University for three years. After 75, Nora Sharif was very vocal in demanding the restoration of democracy in Bangladesh, protests against military rule and the trial of Bangabandhu’s murderEven when the leader Sheikh Hasina was imprisoned during 1/11, he was in the front row of every reformation struggle in the UK. When the trial of the war criminals of 1971 began, he played a special role in gathering public opinion for the International Criminal Tribunal