Bishwa Ijtema

Devotees are coming in droves to participate in the final prayer in the second phase of Biswa Ijtema at the Turag bank of Tongir in Gazipur. On Sunday (February 11) early morning, worshipers started coming in groups for Ijtema. Many have left in the middle of the night and attended Fajr prayers. Many came again yesterday before Maghrib prayers.
Rafin Ahmed and his brother Ramin Ahmed came by Shakura Paribahan from Kashipur in Barisal at 11 pm to participate in the last prayer. They reached the Ijtema Maidan at 5 am.
In an interview, he told Bhor paper that he could not come to the first phase of Vishwa Ijtema even if he wanted to. Although I could not come at the beginning because of various busyness, I came to participate in the final prayer. My brother also came with me. We left Barisal’s Natullabad Bus Terminal at 11pm and reached Ijtema at 5am.
Mizanur Rahman Majumdar has come to Maidan to participate in the final prayer of the second phase of Vishwa Ijtema from Lalmohan in Bhola.
He said, I have come to participate in the last prayer at Ijtema Maidan with millions of people. I will ask Allah for forgiveness for my mistakes in prayer. Millions of people have come, maybe Allah can free us from our sins at the behest of a servant of His choice. I am very happy to be here.
Zahid Alam Talukdar (Raja) has come from Saturia of Manikganj to participate in the last prayer of Biswa Ijtema.
He also expressed similar sentiments to the morning paper. He said, I and my two sons have come to the Ijtema Maidan. We alighted from Manikganj bus stand at Gabtali in Dhaka by Shukhtara Paribahan bus. From there we took a rickshaw to Agargaon Metrorail station. There was a lot of fear in the metro. I managed to get on the metro with great difficulty. Later I went down to Diabari and from there I came to Ijtema Maidan on foot. I have been to Ijtema many times before but this is the first time my sons have come with me. We will raise our hands and ask for forgiveness from Allah, we will pray for all the family.
Waleed Rahman Roni working in Border Guard Bangladesh from Kushtia came with his 5 colleagues. He said, many years do not come to Biswa Ijtema. Even if I want to, I cannot come because of work and other busyness. This time we have not decided to come to Ijtema together with 6 colleagues from the office. I left at 10 pm on Friday and arrived at 6 am. I have prayed for everyone, I will raise my hands and ask for forgiveness from Allah.

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