500 years old historical ‘Ek Qatar’ mosque in Lalmonirhat

There is a mosque with three domes in Hajipara of Goral Union of Kaliganj Upazila of Lalmonirhat. As there is only one queue inside for namaz, 13 to 14 worshipers can pray in congregation. Although no one knows the exact information of how many years ago this mosque was built, locals believe that the mosque is more than 500 years old. This mosque is known as ‘Ek Qatar’ mosque to local people.

There is an ancient grave on the left side of the mosque. It is believed to be the grave of the person who built the mosque. On the right side of the mosque stands the Daha of the Shia community. Ancient craftsmanship can be seen on every part of its walls. Although ancient, no one from the archeology department has yet visited the mosque, locals said. Besides, a large number of people come from different places to pray in this mosque.

Mustafa, who came to pray at a mosque in Qatar, said that none of the locals can tell how many years ago the mosque was built or who built it. Many claim that the mosque was built during the Mughal period or 500 years ago, but the exact information is not available. My grandfather heard the history of the mosque from his grandfather. They also did not know the year or exact history of the construction of the mosque.

Local musulli Gajar Patwari said, the walls of the mosque are very thick. It has a lot of craftsmanship. Construction of such a mosque will not be easy in present times. Praying in this mosque is very comfortable.

Another person named Nuruzzaman said, We are grateful to our ancestors. Because they don’t know the history of the mosque but they keep it. We also want to leave this historical building to future generations.

President of Hajipara Ek Qatar Jame Masjid Feroz Quader said that the walls of this mosque built 500 years ago have many crafts. Next to it are two graves and a minaret of the Shia community. The minaret also has a lot of beautiful craftsmanship. No more than 14-15 people can pray inside the mosque at the same time.

Demanding the preservation of this historical mosque, he also said that it is necessary to build a new mosque next to it for the preservation of the mosque and all its structures and for the convenience of Muslims in the area. In this regard, the cooperation of all concerned departments is required.

Goral Union Parishad Chairman Nurul Amin said that this historic mosque should be retained. Through this, future generations will know about the mosque. In the meantime, some memories of the mosque have disappeared. The Department of Archeology needs close attention to preserve what is there and renovate it while retaining the heritage