144 irregular Bangladeshis returned from Libya

144 irregular Bangladeshi citizens have returned from Libya. They returned to Dhaka from Benghazi on a chartered flight of Burak Air on Friday (February 23) at four o’clock in the morning. With this, a total of 1390 Bangladeshi citizens have been brought back from Libya since July 2023. They were held in isolated places including various detention centers in Tripoli and Benghazi.
With the efforts of the Bangladesh Embassy in Tripoli and the cooperation of the International Migration Organization, these 144 irregular Bangladeshis detained in different parts of the city of Benghazi, Libya have been returned home. Officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the International Migration Agency welcomed the repatriated destitute Bangladeshis at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport on Friday morning. At the airport, each of the repatriates was given 6,000 taka as pocket money and some food items by the International Migration Agency.
At the airport, Foreign Ministry Director (Welfare) Mustafa Jamil Khan inquired about the migrants returning to Libya. He advised migrants to discuss their horrific experiences in Libya with neighbors and relatives at home. Mustafa Jamil Khan requested the emigrants to inform everyone they know about the fact that no one should spend money or fall into the clutches of brokers and step abroad illegally.

It should be noted that the Bangladesh Embassy, ​​Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Migration Organization are working tirelessly together to arrange for the safe repatriation of Bangladeshi citizens detained in various detention centers, including those in danger in Libya.